Results for 'Elizabeth J. Wood'

956 found
  1.  19
    Early Rearing Conditions Affect Monoamine Metabolite Levels During Baseline and Periods of Social Separation Stress: A Non-human Primate Model (Macaca mulatta).Elizabeth K. Wood, Natalia Gabrielle, Jacob Hunter, Andrea N. Skowbo, Melanie L. Schwandt, Stephen G. Lindell, Christina S. Barr, Stephen J. Suomi & J. Dee Higley - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:624676.
    A variety of studies show that parental absence early in life leads to deleterious effects on the developing CNS. This is thought to be largely because evolutionary-dependent stimuli are necessary for the appropriate postnatal development of the young brain, an effect sometimes termed the “experience-expectant brain,” with parents providing the necessary input for normative synaptic connections to develop and appropriate neuronal survival to occur. Principal among CNS systems affected by parental input are the monoamine systems. In the present study,N= 434 (...)
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  2.  27
    Revising ethical guidance for the evaluation of programmes and interventions not initiated by researchers.Samuel I. Watson, Mary Dixon-Woods, Celia A. Taylor, Emily B. Wroe, Elizabeth L. Dunbar, Peter J. Chilton & Richard J. Lilford - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (1):26-30.
    Public health and service delivery programmes, interventions and policies (collectively, ‘programmes’) are typically developed and implemented for the primary purpose of effecting change rather than generating knowledge. Nonetheless, evaluations of these programmes may produce valuable learning that helps determine effectiveness and costs as well as informing design and implementation of future programmes. Such studies might be termed ‘opportunistic evaluations’, since they are responsive to emergent opportunities rather than being studies of interventions that are initiated or designed by researchers. However, current (...)
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    Methods and models for investigating anomalous experiences in schizophrenia spectrum disorders.Pavan S. Brar, Elizabeth Pienkos, Alexander Porto, Helen J. Wood, Deepak Sarpal, Melissa A. Kalarchian, James B. Schreiber & Alexander Kranjec - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The self-disorder model provides a phenomenological framework for understanding how the core symptoms of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SSDs) are rooted in an instability of minimal selfhood. This instability involves a range of “anomalous experiences”: transformations in an individual’s perceptual field and sense of being an agent of action. The explanatory value of this theoretical model can be summarized in two claims about the role of anomalous experiences in self-disorders: (1) anomalous experiences express a common trait-like disturbance that is characteristic of (...)
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  4.  21
    Authenticity as a Resilience Factor Against CV-19 Threat Among Those With Chronic Pain and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.David E. Reed, Elizabeth Lehinger, Briana Cobos, Kenneth E. Vail, Paul S. Nabity, Peter J. Helm, Madhwa S. Galgali & Donald D. McGeary - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveThe novel coronavirus is linked to increases in emotional distress and may be particularly problematic for those with pre-existing mental and physical conditions, such as chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder. However, little empirical research has been published on resilience factors in these individuals. The present study aims to examine authenticity as a resilience factor among those with chronic pain and/or PTSD.MethodsPrior to the national response to the pandemic, participants were screened for pain-related disability and PTSD symptoms, and on the (...)
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  5.  42
    Educated acquiescence: how academia sustains authoritarianism in China.Elizabeth J. Perry - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (1):1-22.
    As a presumed bastion of the Enlightenment values that support a critical intelligentsia, the university is often regarded as both the bedrock and beneficiary of liberal democracy. By contrast, authoritarian regimes are said to discourage higher education out of fear that the growth of a critical intelligentsia could imperil their survival. The case of China, past and present, challenges this conventional wisdom. Imperial China, the most enduring authoritarian political system in world history, thrived in large part precisely because of its (...)
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  6.  66
    Ahead of its Time: Dickens's Prescient Vision of the Arts.J. John & C. Wood - 2024 - In [no title].
    Dickens’s relationship with the Arts has confounded or silenced some of the most eminent critics from his day to ours. His own reticence on the topic likewise makes the idea of a book on Dickens and the Arts a little odd or dissonant. Though as this volume makes clear, he was well versed in a range of high and low arts, he was seemingly determined to embrace, if not the wrong side of the cultural track, metaphorically speaking, a different track. (...)
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  7.  45
    Nursing responsibility and conditions of practice: are we justified in holding nurses responsible for their behaviour in situations of patient care?Elizabeth J. Pask - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (1):42-52.
    This paper analyses a situation where a patient's suffering provoked feelings of compassion in a student nurse, and distress at her patient's circumstances. The reported behaviour of qualified nurses within the situation suggests that they lacked compassion, had inadequate knowledge, and that they failed to understand their patient's plight. An account of the situation is followed by an exploration of the nature of moral agency, and understanding in nursing. Nurses' capacity for moral imagination is shown to be of crucial importance (...)
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  8.  98
    Emotions as Moral Amplifiers: An Appraisal Tendency Approach to the Influences of Distinct Emotions upon Moral Judgment.Elizabeth J. Horberg, Christopher Oveis & Dacher Keltner - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):237-244.
    In this article, we advance the perspective that distinct emotions amplify different moral judgments, based on the emotion’s core appraisals. This theorizing yields four insights into the way emotions shape moral judgment. We submit that there are two kinds of specificity in the impact of emotion upon moral judgment: domain specificity and emotion specificity. We further contend that the unique embodied aspects of an emotion, such as nonverbal expressions and physiological responses, contribute to an emotion’s impact on moral judgment. Finally, (...)
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  9.  37
    Class Ideology & Ancient Political Theory: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle in Social Context.J. Dybikowski, Ellen Meiksins Wood & Neal Wood - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (2):275.
  10.  51
    Self‐sacrifice, self‐transcendence and nurses' professional self.Elizabeth J. Pask - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (4):247-254.
    In this paper I elaborate a notion of nurses’ professional self as one who is attracted towards intrinsic value. My previous work in 2003 has shown how nurses, who see intrinsic value in their work, experience self‐affirmation when they believe that they have made a difference to that which they see to have value. The aim of this work is to reveal a further aspect of nurses’ professional self. I argue that nurses’ desire towards that which they see to have (...)
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  11.  21
    Introduction.Elizabeth J. Perry - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 13 (3):3-4.
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  12.  19
    Vasari in Renaissance Straßburg.Elizabeth J. Petcu - 2019 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 82 (1):251-282.
    This article addresses the reception of the Vite in late-Renaissance Straßburg, examining how authors and artists in the circle of poet and satirist Johann Fischart and publisher-...
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  13.  21
    Container size exerts a stronger influence than liquid volume on the perceived weight of objects.Elizabeth J. Saccone, Rachael M. Goldsmith, Gavin Buckingham & Philippe A. Chouinard - 2019 - Cognition 192 (C):104038.
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    (1 other version)The diversity of tactics: Anarchism and political power.Elizabeth J. Frazer - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (4):147488511562755.
    This review essay focusses on Gelderloos's normative theory of diversity of tactics. The book is worth serious attention by political theorists because of its sustained analysis of violence, nonvio...
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  15.  67
    Cultivating Critical Consciousness.Elizabeth J. Allan & Susan V. Iverson - 2003 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 23 (1-2):51-61.
    In this article, we blend the Piagetian informed understanding of critical thinking with the scholarship of critical theory to analyze service-Iearning as a pedagogical strategy to promote critically conscious thinking among Students in higher education. We draw from our teaching experiences and student reflections in three different courses at two universities. In these courses, service-leaming was designed to: promote understandings of course content related to societal systems of advantage and disadvantage, develop self-awareness, promote understanding of sociocultural identity differences, and to (...)
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  16.  11
    Reclaiming the Sacred: Buddhist Women in Sri Lanka.Elizabeth J. Harris - 1997 - Feminist Theology 5 (15):83-111.
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    Theravada Traditions: Buddhist Ritual Cultures in Contemporary Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka, by John Clifford Holt.Elizabeth J. Harris - 2020 - Buddhist Studies Review 36 (2):279-281.
    Theravada Traditions: Buddhist Ritual Cultures in Contemporary Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka, by John Clifford Holt. University of Hawai’i Press. 2017. 391pp. Hb. $68, ISBN-13: 978-0-82486-780-5.
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  18. Thomas Hobbes and the 'far-fetched'.Elizabeth J. Cook - 1981 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 44 (1):222-232.
  19.  48
    Guilt and Nursing Practice: Implications for Nurse Education and the Climate of Care.Elizabeth J. Pask - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (2):80-85.
    This paper considers the influence of guilt within nursing practice. The author draws on her experience as a nurse tutor to show how guilt has implications for the well-being of both nurses and patients. It is suggested that nurses' experience of guilt, and the fear that they may be considered guilty, are indicative of a moral climate that rests predominantly upon rules. While rules fulfil a requirement for professional and organizational accountability, they need not be perceived as statements about the (...)
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  20.  31
    Maintenance of Cross-Sector Partnerships: The Role of Frames in Sustained Collaboration.Elizabeth J. Klitsie, Shahzad Ansari & Henk W. Volberda - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):401-423.
    We examine the framing mechanisms used to maintain a cross-sector partnership that was created to address a complex long-term social issue. We study the first 8 years of existence of an XSP that aims to create a market for recycled phosphorus, a nutrient that is critical to crop growth but whose natural reserves have dwindled significantly. Drawing on 27 interviews and over 3000 internal documents, we study the evolution of different frames used by diverse actors in an XSP. We demonstrate (...)
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  21.  16
    Auditing the hospital care of dying patients.Elizabeth J. Latimer - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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  22.  37
    Report on the Ninth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference: "Hope: A Form of Delusion? Buddhist and Christian Perspectives".Elizabeth J. Harris - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:135-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Report on the Ninth European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies Conference:"Hope: A Form of Delusion? Buddhist and Christian Perspectives"Elizabeth J. Harris, President of the NetworkCan we hope in a world that is shot through with suffering? Should hope be shunned as a form of attachment? Should we affirm our hope or let go of it? And, if we embrace hope, what should we hope for and what can inspire (...)
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  23.  51
    Motivations behind farmers' pesticide use in Bangladesh rice farming.Elizabeth J. Z. Robinson, Sumona Rani Das & Tim B. C. Chancellor - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (3):323-332.
    This paper addresses the motivations behind farmers’ pesticide use in two regions of Bangladesh. The paper considers farmers’ knowledge of arthropods and their perceptions about pests and pest damage, and identifies why many farmers do not use recommended pest management practices. We propose that using the novel approach of classifying farmers according to their motivations and constraints rather than observed pesticide use can improve training approaches and increase farmers’ uptake and retention of more appropriate integrated pest management technologies.
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  24. Revisiting the Corpus of the Madwoman: Further Notes toward a Feminist Disability Studies Theory of Mental Illness.Elizabeth J. Donaldson - 2011 - In Kim Q. Hall, Feminist Disability Studies. Indiana University Press. pp. 91--114.
  25.  27
    Autobiographical memory deficits in schizophrenia.Hamish J. McLeod, Nikki Wood & Chris R. Brewin - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (3):536-547.
    This study investigated autobiographical memory processes in a group of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and matched controls. The schizophrenia group displayed an overgeneral style of autobiographical memory retrieval on two widely used measures, and displayed problems retrieving both autobiographical facts and events. They showed a specific impairment in the recall of autobiographical events and facts in early adulthood, around the time of onset of their illness. Retrieval deficits were independent of mood state and premorbid intellectual functioning. The magnitude of the (...)
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  26.  43
    Moral Agency in Nursing: seeing value In the work and believing that i make a difference.Elizabeth J. Pask - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (2):165-174.
    The subject of this article is moral agency in nursing, studied by the use of an applied philosophical method. It draws upon nurses’ accounts of how they see intrinsic value in their work and believe that they make a difference to patients in terms that leave their patients feeling better. The analysis is based on the philosophy of Iris Murdoch to reveal how nurses’ accounts demonstrated that they hold a view of themselves and their professional practice that is intrinsically linked (...)
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  27.  22
    Fighting Crime Together: The Challenges of Policing and Security Networks.J. Fleming & J. Wood - 2006 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 25 (2):59-63.
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  28.  24
    Nursing responsibility and conditions of practice: Are we justified in holding nurses responsible for their behaviour in situations of patient care?Elizabeth J. Pasksrn, Scm & Rnt - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (1):42–52.
  29.  30
    Transforming normative, ableist, and biomedical orientations to living well and quality of life in nursing: Reimagining what a ventilated body can do.Elizabeth J. Straus, Helen Brown, Gail Teachman & Fuchsia Howard - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12554.
    A goal of living as well as possible is central to practice and research with young adults living with home mechanical ventilation (HMV). Significant effort has been put into conceptualizing and measuring the quality of life (QOL) as a proxy for living well. Yet, dominant understandings of QOL have been influenced by normative, ableist, and biomedical discourses about what constitutes a good life that, when applied in practice and systems with those living with HMV, can contribute to exclusion and constrain (...)
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  30.  25
    Scholarship on the Shanghai Labor Movement.Elizabeth J. Perry - 1993 - Chinese Studies in History 27 (1-2):7-12.
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    Development of understanding of the causal connection between perceptual access and knowledge state.Elizabeth J. Robinson - 2011 - In Johannes Roessler, Hemdat Lerman & Naomi Eilan, Perception, Causation, and Objectivity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Leading philosophers & psychologists offer an assessment of the commonsense view that perceptual experience is an immediate awareness of mind-independent objects. They examine the nature of perception, its role in the acquisition of knowledge, the role of causation in perception, & how perceptual understanding develops in humans.
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  32.  28
    The Buddha through Christian Eyes.Elizabeth J. Harris - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):101-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Buddha through Christian EyesElizabeth J. HarrisIt was in Sri Lanka in 1984 that I had my first ‘encounter’ with the Buddha. When at the ancient city of Anuradhapura, I stole away from the group I was with to return for a few minutes to the shrine room adjacent to the sacred bo tree, the one believed to have grown from a cutting of the original tree under which (...)
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  33.  20
    Buddhism and its Religious Others: Historical Encounters and Representations, edited by C. V. Jones.Elizabeth J. Harris - 2023 - Buddhist Studies Review 39 (2):263-265.
    Buddhism and its Religious Others: Historical Encounters and Representations, edited by C. V. Jones. Oxford University Press, 2022. 230pp. Hb. £65.00. ISBN-13: 9780197266991.
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  34.  73
    Emotion regulation and biological stress responding: associations with worry, rumination, and reappraisal.Elizabeth J. Lewis, K. Lira Yoon & Jutta Joormann - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (7):1487-1498.
    ABSTRACTIndividual differences in the habitual use of emotion regulation strategies may play a critical role in understanding psychological and biological stress reactivity and recovery in depression and anxiety. This study investigated the relation between the habitual use of different emotion regulation strategies and cortisol reactivity and recovery in healthy control individuals and in individuals diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. The tendency to worry was associated with increased cortisol reactivity to a stressor across the full sample. Rumination was not associated with (...)
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  35.  11
    Hope: a form of delusion?: Buddhist and Christian perspectives.Elizabeth J. Harris (ed.) - 2013 - Sankt Ottilien: Eos.
    Proceedings from the ninth conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Chriatian Studies (ENBCS) held at Liverpool Hope University, England, in 2011.
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  36.  30
    John of the Cross, the Dark Night of the Soul, and the Jh?nas and the Ar?pa States.Elizabeth J. Harris - 2018 - Buddhist Studies Review 35 (1-2):65-80.
    This paper examines function and structure within the religious paths advocated by John of the Cross, and the Buddha, with particular reference to the jh?nas and the ar?pa states, as represented in selected suttas within the P?li texts. First, John of the Cross and the jh?na and ar?pa states are contextualised. The teaching in The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night, and the S?maññaphala Sutta, the Niv?pa Sutta and the Anupada Sutta is then summarised. The two are then (...)
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  37.  24
    Manipulating Meaning: Daniel Gogerly's Nineteenth Century Translations of the Theravada Texts.Elizabeth J. Harris - 2011 - Buddhist Studies Review 27 (2):177-195.
    Daniel John Gogerly, a British Wesleyan Methodist missionary, served in Sri Lanka from 1818 until his death. He learnt P?li in M?tara in the 1830s and was one of the first British translators of the P?li texts into English. Praised by fellow orientalist, T.W. Rhys Davis, as ‘the greatest Pali scholar of his age’ and hailed by his missionary colleagues as the expert who showed them how to attack Buddhism, his work was both pioneering and deeply flawed. This paper first (...)
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  38.  23
    Sleeping Next to My Coffin: Representations of the Body in Theravada Buddhism.Elizabeth J. Harris - 2012 - Buddhist Studies Review 29 (1):105-120.
    Therav?da Buddhism can be stereotyped as having a negative view of the body. This paper argues that this stereotype is a distortion. Recognizing that representations of the body in Therav?da text and tradition are plural, the paper draws on the Sutta Pi?aka of the P?li texts and the Visuddhimagga, together with interviews with lay Buddhists in Sri Lanka, to argue that an internally consistent and meaningful picture can be reached, suitable particularly to those teaching Buddhism, if these representations are categorised (...)
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  39.  12
    Clinical Sociological Perspectives on Illness and Loss: The Linkage of Theory and Practice.Elizabeth J. Clark, Jan M. Fritz & Patricia Perri Rieker - 1990 - Charles Press Pubs(PA).
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  40.  60
    Death and the Corpse: An Analysis of the Treatment of Death and Dead Bodies in Contemporary American Society.Elizabeth J. Emerick - 2000 - Anthropology of Consciousness 11 (1-2):34-48.
    This paper analyzes perceptions of the corpse as intertwined with perspectives of death in contemporary American culture. America has combined concepts of theology, medicine, and commercialism to form a unique ideology. The corpse is the repository of these ideologies, which are riddled with fear. This paper will discuss differences among American ways of treating death, including specific attention to perceptions of the corpse. It will analyze the fear of death and corpses found in society, by reference to how many Americans (...)
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  41.  26
    An evaluation of the reporting on ethics and integrity of selected listed motor vehicle companies.Anet Magdalena Smit & Elizabeth J. Bierman - 2017 - African Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1).
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  42.  65
    The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research Program at the National Human Genome Research Institute.Elizabeth J. Thomson, Joy T. Boyer & Eric Mark Meslin - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (3):291-298.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications Research Program at the National Human Genome Research InstituteEric M. Meslin (bio), Elizabeth J. Thomson (bio), and Joy T. Boyer (bio)Organizers of the Human Genome Project (HGP) understood from the beginning that the scientific activities of mapping and sequencing the human genome would raise ethical, legal, and social issues that would require careful attention by scientists, health care professionals, government officials, and (...)
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  43.  32
    The influence of emotional cues on prospective memory: a systematic review with meta-analyses.Thomas J. Hostler, Chantelle Wood & Christopher J. Armitage - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (8):1578-1596.
    ABSTRACTRemembering to perform a behaviour in the future, prospective memory, is essential to ensuring that people fulfil their intentions. Prospective memory involves committing to memory a cue to action, and later recognising and acting upon the cue in the environment. Prospective memory performance is believed to be influenced by the emotionality of the cues, however the literature is fragmented and inconsistent. We conducted a systematic search to synthesise research on the influence of emotion on prospective memory. Sixty-seven effect sizes were (...)
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  44.  33
    Ananda Metteyya: Controversial Networker, Passionate Critic.Elizabeth J. Harris - 2013 - Contemporary Buddhism 14 (1):78-93.
    Ananda Metteyya (Charles Henry Allan Bennett 1872–1923), according to some representations of Buddhism's transmission to the West, was a respectable member of an elite group of converts to Buddhism at the beginning of the twentieth century, who, in effect, stole recognition from a non-elite group. Whilst not contesting this basic premise, I first suggest in this paper that Ananda Metteyya was neither elite nor always, at least in the eyes of the Buddhist Society of Great Britain and Ireland, ‘respectable’. In (...)
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  45.  33
    Development and Validation of Two Short Forms of the Managing the Emotions of Others Scale.Elizabeth J. Austin, Donald H. Saklofske & Martin M. Smith - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  46.  36
    Ability EI as an intelligence? Associations of the MSCEIT with performance on emotion processing and social tasks and with cognitive ability.Daniel Farrelly & Elizabeth J. Austin - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (5):1043-1063.
  47.  25
    Of children and social robots.Elizabeth J. Goldman, Anna-Elisabeth Baumann & Diane Poulin-Dubois - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e35.
    In the target article, Clark and Fischer argue that little is known about children's perceptions of social robots. By reviewing the existing literature we demonstrate that infants and young children interact with robots in the same ways they do with other social agents. Importantly, we conclude children's understanding that robots are artifacts (e.g., not alive) develops gradually during the preschool years.
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  48.  16
    Buddhist and Islamic Orders in Southern Asia: Comparative Perspectives, by R. Michael Feener and Anne M. Blackburn, eds. [REVIEW]Elizabeth J. Harris - 2020 - Buddhist Studies Review 37 (1):130-132.
    Buddhist and Islamic Orders in Southern Asia: Comparative Perspectives, by R. Michael Feener and Anne M. Blackburn, eds. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2019. 207pp. Hb. $68.00 ISBN-13: 9780824872113.
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    Good Sleep Quality Improves the Relationship Between Pain and Depression Among Individuals With Chronic Pain.Zoe Zambelli, Elizabeth J. Halstead, Antonio R. Fidalgo & Dagmara Dimitriou - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Individuals with chronic pain often experience co-existing sleep problems and depression-related states. Chronic pain, sleep problems, and depression interrelate, and have been shown to exacerbate one another, which negatively impacts quality of life. This study explored the relationships between pain severity, pain interference, sleep quality, and depression among individuals with chronic pain. Secondly, we tested whether sleep quality may moderate the relationship between pain and depression. A cross-sectional survey was completed by 1,059 adults with non-malignant chronic pain conditions and collected (...)
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    Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health.Elizabeth J. Donaldson (ed.) - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health brings together scholars working in disability studies, mad studies, feminist theory, Indigenous studies, postcolonial theory, Jewish literature, queer studies, American studies, trauma studies, and comics to create an intersectional community of scholarship in literary disability studies of mental health. The collection contains essays on canonical authors and lesser known and sometimes forgotten writers, including Sylvia Plath, Louisa May Alcott, Hannah Weiner, Mary Jane Ward, Michelle Cliff, Lee Maracle, Joanne Greenberg, Ann Bannon, Jerry (...)
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